I've been in Millbrook...which has been really nice. But I've kind of been having the Zach Braff 'my house is not a home' feeling lately. Like, I've always lived here, and I'm more comfortable in my house than I am most other places, but I just itch to be somewhere else a lot of the time. Don't get me wrong, I love my parents and I feel like I get along with them better than a lot of people I know do with theirs, but I just am not sure if I belong here anymore. I don't like the fact that I'm most likely gonna be in Alabama for at least another 6 years. (2 more at UA/4 at UAB) I've been looking to find a med school possibly outside of the south that I would feel comfortable at. But since UAB is 29th in the nation, and I already love it and the people there, I'm going to have to find a pretty kick ass place to be good enough to move for.
Anyways, speaking of Zach Braff, I think the fact that ABC has renewed Scrubs for a 9th season is really Everybody Loves Raymond. (PS. I despise everybody loves Raymond, which means you should click the link because its not ELR) I've been working on not calling things gay lately...because even though my gay friends say it, I could see someone else finding it pretty offensive and Florida Gators. Yep, did it again.
But yeah, so ABC has renewed for a 9th season and Zach Braff/Sarah Chalke (who were both supposed to be quitting) are signed on for the first 6 or so episodes to 'tie up loose ends.'1 The reason this really bothers me is that season 7 was supposed to be the last season. Then NBC did a BS series finale because of the stupid writers strike. So ABC bought Scrubs, since it was already being filmed in their studios anyways, and picked up the 8th season, which saved the shows integrity and did a nice job of bringing Scrubs somewhat back to its roots (Seasons 1-4'esque). The finale was absolutely wonderful and did a great job of wrapping, if being a little too JD focused. I feel like everything Scrubs has tried to say has been said. And since it will be returning with an incomplete cast, it's ruining the integrity of the show. Why couldn't they just do a spin-off? Anyways, it's probably ridiculous to y'all that I'm ranting about a moderately-rated TV sitcom, but this show has a lot of importance to me for a million reasons that it would take to long to mention. I'm going to stop ranting though.
In other news, summer classes start next week. Calculus and Am. Hist. to 1850. Woo! Go Bucs! (Can't you tell I'm super stoked?)
Additionally, I went to my doctor today because I thought I was having an allergic reaction to the Wildflower Wind paint that I had used to paint a bedroom in our house with. I have shingles. I know y'all might think it gross and weird that I'm giving you a bit of my medical history, but you can suck it, because it's not like I did something stupid to get it. It happens. Plus I get fun pain pills!
The pills are to help avoid nerve damage that can recur for the rest of your life. Hopefully (dear Jesus) that won't happen.
Anyways...I need to paint some trim.
I'm back in Tuscaloosa this weekend, and although it will probably be boring too, I kinda can't wait.
1 http://www.reuters.com/article/televisionNews/idUSTRE54E0VM20090515
"The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the disease." ~Voltaire
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