

So I'm trying this whole text-post thing to see how well it works.

Sitting on the couch waiting on clothes to wash and I'm bored out of my mind, and I've had such a boring weekend...people I was supposed to hang out with never responded to texts and the people I wanted to talk to didn't either, so I've felt kinda bummed.

Did you know the some of the first commercial space flights are scheduled to start mid-2010? For a measly $90,000 to $200,000 you can spend 4-6 minutes in complete weightlessness, up to 68 miles in the atmosphere. Virgin has one and there's another company(which I can't remember) that actually is cheaper ($92,000?) and in flight it's just you and the pilot...so you get a very 1 on 1 experience. Woot.

Not sure how much more I can text at once, so let's see what happens!
"How could drops of water know themselves to be a river? Yet the river flows on." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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