Maybe because I feel like I should stay up late since I can?
I dunno. I'm not really sure if anyone really reads this stuff anyways.
I'm such a rambler. The Allman Brothers would have loved me.
I really like Keane. They're uniquely British, a little crazy...which is one of my favorite qualities in people [I was going to insert a collage of my favuorite people (who are all a little crazy), but decided not to, just so people that didn't end up in the collage wouldn't feel left out].
So yeah, I should probably go to bed. I ordered a graphing calculator yesterday (today), and it was $170 dollars. How Nickelback is that? I was kinda pissed. The song Perfect Symmetry is REALLY pretty.
I'm going to leave you with this...I've completely decided, as idealistic, cheesy, a effing crazy as it sounds, love really is the answer. I hate myself so much for writing that, and furthermore for believing it because it makes me sound so tacky. And I don't like tackiness. I'm too cool for tackiness. But I'm striving honestly to make it the way I live my life, even though I'm so judgmental and harsh sometimes. The thing that's nice about love is, with it, you lose the obligations for everything else.
Sorry if everything I just wrote reeks of tackiness and pretense. Seriously though guys, love thy freaking neighbor.
i'm kind of ready to fall in love.
That's the end.
Et il y en a un second qui lui est semblable: Tu aimeras ton prochain comme toi-même. -Matthieu 22:39 (La Bible du Semeur)
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