

I'm just feeling like writing.

Maybe because I feel like I should stay up late since I can?

I dunno. I'm not really sure if anyone really reads this stuff anyways.

I'm such a rambler. The Allman Brothers would have loved me.

I really like Keane. They're uniquely British, a little crazy...which is one of my favorite qualities in people [I was going to insert a collage of my favuorite people (who are all a little crazy), but decided not to, just so people that didn't end up in the collage wouldn't feel left out].

So yeah, I should probably go to bed. I ordered a graphing calculator yesterday (today), and it was $170 dollars. How Nickelback is that? I was kinda pissed. The song Perfect Symmetry is REALLY pretty.

I'm going to leave you with this...I've completely decided, as idealistic, cheesy, a effing crazy as it sounds, love really is the answer. I hate myself so much for writing that, and furthermore for believing it because it makes me sound so tacky. And I don't like tackiness. I'm too cool for tackiness. But I'm striving honestly to make it the way I live my life, even though I'm so judgmental and harsh sometimes. The thing that's nice about love is, with it, you lose the obligations for everything else. People are so concerned with getting other people to agree with their worldviews, on religion (especially religion), politics, what aspects of culture are good and bad, etc. But if everybody just was, and loved, we would eliminate these needs. People would believe whatever they believed, and most likely the ideas that people were trying to force on others would just be accepted, because the ideas would no longer be forced. It's not surprisingly the way that I feel Christ lived. He hung out with all sorts of people that He knew were going to Hell, but He loved them just the same. They weren't condemned, they were just loved...and the ones that did believe, believed of their own free will, because they saw the way He lived and loved. People are so damn judgmental these days (including me), that we ruin our chances of making people ever want to be like us, and I'm kind of sick of it. The one thing that Europe taught me more than anything else is to just be accepting. Everyone, and I mean that absolutely, everyone on this entire earth, wants to be loved and accepted. So stop staring.

Sorry if everything I just wrote reeks of tackiness and pretense. Seriously though guys, love thy freaking neighbor.

i'm kind of ready to fall in love.

That's the end.



Et il y en a un second qui lui est semblable: Tu aimeras ton prochain comme toi-même. -Matthieu 22:39 (La Bible du Semeur)

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